Monday, 16 September 2013

Mathematical Analysis Of The Depletion Characteristics Of Atmospheric CO2

Update 19 Nov 2013
At last we have a decent analysis of CO2 depletion rates. IPCC models found to be seriously flawed. Surprised?


This blog is intended to bring attention to the need for more rigorous mathematical analysis of the depletion characteristics of atmospheric CO2. It's something that I have noticed is sorely missing from the AGW debate. It's my belief that more effort in this area would better help our understanding of the potential of CO2 to impact on the wellbeing of our planet and it's inhabitants.

So this is my attempt to kick off such analysis.

Scientists say CO2 has a half life of 5 years. The IPCC say it's much more, without actually showing any empirical evidence. It really doesn't matter what it is. The main thing is that, by quoting a half life, they are accepting that it's a natural inverse exponential decay just like radioactive isotopes and even the voltage across a parallel RC circuit. ie:


x = t/T, where “t” is time and “T” is the time constant which is related to the half life by:

T = t(1/2) * 1.443 where t(1/2) is the half life time.

This relationship is derived by solving the equation at the 50% depleted point.

0.5 = 1/e^[t(1/2)/T]
So e^[t(1/2)/T] = 1/0.5 = 2
t(1/2)/T = ln(2) where “ln” is the natural log
So T=t(1/2)*1/ln(2)
T = t(1/2) * 1.443

In this case the T value is not simple but a mix of complex variables associated with photosynthesis, sunlight, cloud cover, temp, foliage coverage etc. If you average them over a year, they can be treated as constants and this provides a good year by year assessment of CO2 depletion.

The key point is that this suggests the CO2 depletion rate is proportional to it's magnitude, as is the case with all exponential decays. Hence there is no limiting factor. 

They same could be said of the RC circuit except that the capacitor would break down with higher voltages. I see no such possibility in photosynthesis. Furthermore, experiments do show that the higher the CO2 level, the higher the depletion rate and hence the faster the plant growth.

So if we use our equation to chart the decay of atmospheric CO2 from a level of 2GT, for example, it would look like this:

The X axis is years and Y axis is GT of CO2.

So if you don't add any more CO2, then after 5 years you would lose 1GT. Alternatively if we had 200GT, then after 5 years, we would lose 100GT etc. ie depletion rate is proportional to magnitude and there is no limit to the CO2 sink. At least that's what this equation predicts. 

Furthermore, additional plant growth would result from the higher CO2 level, creating more foliage cover, which would increase the depletion rate, with a corresponding reduction in T and the half life.

Even without that additional foliage cover, we have a natural regulator of atmospheric CO2. The additional foliage just makes that function all the more potent.

This would seem a more likely postulate than that being suggested by the IPCC and/or their supporters
If the IPCCs "saturation of the CO2 sink" postulate were valid, then why is it that earths CO2 levels have been so well controlled over it's lifetime. 
Wouldn't it spin out of control and stay that way the first time a large volcano went off? These produce more atmospheric CO2 in a few days than humans do in several years.

This of course is an untested postulate but I believe it is more logical that that proposed by the IPCC. Time will tell who is right. In the mean time further testing like that shown in the link above will throw more light on this issue.

To confirm the exact nature of CO2 depletion by experimentation is difficult since we can't, on a global scale, get the situation where CO2 is not continually added.
I have seen some plots that have come from contained experiments and, while they are much lumpier that that shown above, they do follow that trend when one considers points from one year to the next.

We need more effort in this area from the science community. If there is a limiting factor in CO2 absorption as proposed by the IPCC and/or their supporters then we need to know about it.

On the other hand if there is no such limit, as suggested above, then we can expect that CO2 will remain well in control, even with many times more than the current human input of around 3.2% of total atmospheric CO2.

For long term historic temperature and CO2 levels I use this reference:

Finally: I understand, from researching this subject that the human tolerance of atmospheric CO2 is currently around 10,000 ppm, above which minor symptoms, such as headaches, can result. Of course we and other species continue to evolve to our atmospheric conditions, so provided there is no rapid change, species will adapt to whatever levels are maintained in the future. If they can't adapt then that's nature and evolution. It's not always kind.

Thanks for taking the time to reading my blog. 
Please feel free to comment, especially if you find any rigorous mathematical analysis material covering this subject.


  1. You miss a few fundamentals here, Carbon cycle read this.

    The only way to remove carbon from the air is to remove it from the carbon cycle. That's why Carbon sequestering was looked at

    Gas exchange and partial pressures say that you are not just removing CO2 from the atmosphere but also from any gas exchange body like the oceans so your maths needs to take into account this extra carbon.

    The Oceans are a Giant carbon sink and they are adsorbing CO2 there are studies on ocean acidification due to increased co2 adsorption.

    The graph you use is misleading, the atmosphere has changed a lot in the last 500 million years and CO2 isn't the ONLY thing to cause heating and cooling. The earths orbital location is the other major contributor

    If you go the the page where that graph originates and look at the section called "The Last 15,000 Years-- Reconsidered" that graph paints a very different picture.

    1. Adrian. Thanks for the comment. I am aware of the carbon cycle and that the oceans are a massive sink but they are also a massive source. Hence they are really just a CO2 bank in constant equilibrium. I agree that with more CO2 in the atmosphere there is more stored in the sea. It’s a basic rule of system in equilibrium. However it is not DEPLETED in the sea, just stored unless you are referring to photosynthesis by marine plant life which falls into my CO2 depletion analysis anyway. My focus is NOT on CO2 storage but on CO2 depletion. I see that as the fundamental issue.

    2. In the cycle of the CO2 you must know, the oil&gas come from animals and vejetals, it is not a mineral, this is a key, you never sow the animal eating mineral carbon right?, or yes, or you nerver sow the agricultures add carbon to the earth,or yes?, so, the only sourse of carbon to the animal and vejetal world is the atmosphere, it means, when we burn oil&gas, we only are geting back the CO2 to their original place, the athmospher

      The knowledge the origin of oil&gas belongs to chemical and petroleum Scientists like myself like me. Obviously the clime experts or the atmosphere, scientists never know this very small detail, but this small detail destroys their ridiculous theory about global warming
