Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Climate Change Scaremongering is a Threat to our Democracy

The latest Climate Commission report on climate change is yet another joke from a farcical organization.

The claim that all scientists are now in agreement with the premise that "the climate is changing" is just so dumb. Off course they are and always have been. The climate has always changed, naturally.

Furthermore, main stream media has a lot to answer for, for their obvious scaremongering presentations.

For example:
On Apr 3rd, 2013 ABC1 news presented a graphic claiming a 40% rise in GHGs since the industrial revolution, followed immediately by a picture of the chimney stack of a coal fired power station emitting predominately steam. The associated audio stated "we need to take immediate steps to reign in emissions". The intention was to convey the though that humans had caused this 40% increase in GHGs.
We have to presume that they're referring to atmospheric CO2, unless they've found another significant human caused GHG that they are keeping from us, for fear of creating alarm. Oh yeah sure!

Reality check:
Human CO2 production is just 3% of the total. Nature is therefore responsible for the remaining 37% of the rise they've referred to.
So what their data should be telling them is that nature is responsible for 100*37/40 = 92.5% of the rise in atmospheric CO2 since industrialization. Hence, if they're blaming CO2 for climate change, then they've clearly highlighted that nature is not only predominately responsible, but also that it's so dominate that any change we make to our CO2 emissions will have an undetectable impact.
So why are their conclusions the exact opposite of this?

As it happens, industrialization started around the time of the end of the little ice age. Natural CO2 production has been on the rise since that time. This is due to the warming of the seas, which causes more CO2, trapped in the oceans depths, to be released.
The thermal inertia of the seas means the temperature increases much more slowly than the surface temperatures. Hence we expect that more "old ice" in the Arctic and Antarctic will melt each summer and natural CO2 levels will continue to rise.

Another example from a similar Climate Commission campaign last September.
SBS news presented the story by showing two graphics side by side. Each were satellite pics of the Arctic, one with little snow/ice cover and the other with heavy cover. The story was highlighting IPCC alarm over the rate of decay of the snow/ice cover. The final comment from the presenter was, "be aware that this was not the change over a long period. This was the change in just six months".
The tactic of that statement was twofold:
1. It was designed to be alarming for the unaware.
2. It meant that they could not be challenged for presenting misleading information.

Reality check:
Obviously the snow/ice cover of the Arctic varies bi-annually from a minimum after summer to a maximum after winter. Hence the two pics were useless for a measure of melt rates and for their associated alarming story. You would need to compare pics from one year to the next exactly 12 months apart. Furthermore, as we know from the previous example, we expect the cover to reduce as the oceans warm. So no surprises here for those that are aware. The intention of course was to alarm the unaware and there's a lot in that category. If challenged for this misleading information, their reply would be along the lines, "but we correctly reported that the two pics were taken 6 months apart".

The worlds climate is changing as it always does, naturally. The Climate Commission and especially the IPCC are trying to take advantage of the natural variations to support UN agendas.

They (or their earlier cohorts) tried the "coming ice age" scare back in the mid seventies and failed.
They tried the warming scare around the turn of the century and failed.
They have now perfected their tactics so that a majority of people will be convinced and hence will beg to be saved from the monster.
Panicked masses can easily be convinced to vote for anything, including the forfeiting of voting powers.

See this article from the global cooling scare of the mid seventies.

This is a serious threat to our democracy.
It's up to those of us who are aware to inform others.
Spread the word!

Revised April 8th 2013

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