Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Smart Meters Cause Problems for the Subconscious

This Smart Meter debate is becoming as silly as the AGW, ACC and carbon tax debates with people working themselves up into a serious mental frenzy.

The engineering goals of the Smart Meter project couldn’t be more admirable.

It provides the following benefits:

1.       Customer’s meters can be read more efficiently, thus reducing costs.
2.       Customers can opt for cheaper power by agreeing to power cuts when peak demands overload the system.
3.       Customers can opt for continuous power if they have a critical need for uninterrupted power such as for medical equipment.
4.       Removes the need to cut off entire areas, which can include traffic signaling and hospitals etc. Hence system overloads don’t put lives at risk.

So where is the disadvantage everyone is complaining about?
Here is some I have heard:

1.       Power prices will rise. Of course they will, as they always do. Now it’s helped along by the carbon tax etc to increase the rate of rise.
2.       The meters make me sick (electromagnetic hypersensitivity). This is a serious mental condition and will be addressed below.
3.       The meters are a fire risk. It’s true that some meters have caught fire but most of these have been due to sabotage by persons attempting to discredit the Smart Meters for their own political agenda. These meters do feature solid state mains switching and like all electronic devices they can fail. Because of the power switching involved, a catastrophic failure in this area can cause a fire. The installation should take this into account and it is true that there has been some disregard of this for the sake of expediency. I agree with those that say they should be mounted in an area where such a failure would be contained. If installed properly there is no disadvantage here.

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

As a PE, working for Ansett and being responsible for EMR (Electro Magnetic Radiation) from a passenger safety prospective (passenger impact from A/C system EMR) as well as the flight safety issue (A/C system impact from passenger carry on equipment EMR) I can see the absurdity of the suggestion that Smart Meters could be responsible for any ill effects on health. Nevertheless people are reporting physical symptoms apparently as a result of them.
The WHO (World Health Organization) has stated that “electromagnetic hypersensitivity is not a medical diagnosis”.

So what’s going on here then?

As stated above this is a serious mental condition. Those that suffer from it need to seek a cure ASAP, for to try to live with it generally means a shortened life, usually terminated by depression, leading to suicide or a terminal disease taking over, due to the deterioration of the immune system, resulting from mental and physical exhaustion. Take it from somebody that knows only too well!

The first step in a cure is to recognize that this is a mental problem coming from the subconscious brain. It often impacts the intelligent, well-read and particularly those inclined to research threats to life.

This highlights the dangers of becoming too involved with a hysterical debate where somewhat believable untruths are drummed into you. If you start to believe that Smart Meters are a threat to your life, you had better not let your subconscious know about it (not that you can avoid it). This will trigger a “self preservation” response in your subconscious.

So what does the subconscious do when it perceives that your life is under threat? Try sticking your finger in the fire and you will find out. Yes, it gives you pain and grief and that will confirm to you that Smart Meters are indeed making you sick and so the mental avalanche begins.

Insomnia becomes your main enemy since self preservation takes precedence over sleep. The subconscious is driving the show now, day and night. The avalanche builds.

Once your subconscious is so wired it cannot be unwired though many have tried shock therapy but that is a “hit and miss” approach. Targeting the problem area in the subconscious is the issue. The subconscious is in the deepest part of the brain, presumable for protection reasons, so it’s hard to target in this way.

Some drugs have proven affective such as those used in the treatment for OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). OCD is another subconscious disorder where the subconscious is taught a function so well that it carries it out while the person sleeps

One OCD drug that I have intimate familiarity with is Aropax. This drug is a selective inhibitor of the linkages in the subconscious, effectively dulling the subconscious circuitry. I found out the hard way that it must be taken for life, else the condition returns.

Those that are affected by Smart Meter hypersensitivity need to be aware that it doesn’t end there. I once had to deal with an Ansett customer who wanted us to build a screen room in our aircraft so he could commute by air for medical treatment. His hypersensitivity had become a sensitivity to anything that has an electric current flowing in it.

Consider this! You brain has electric currents flowing in it and it’s a lot closer to you than your Smart Meter!